DPI Job Errors

Group Sample Description icon Resolution
Field value error
Error loading the user with email address = [username@companyname.com] - No known user The specified user does not exist on Careerbuilder.com. Supply an existing user email address
Character limit error
The StreetAddress1 field has a maximum length of 255 characters. The StreetAddress1 field has a maximum length of 255 characters. Decrease the character length to 255 characters or less
Character limit error
The StreetAddress2 field has a maximum length of 255 characters. The StreetAddress2 field has a maximum length of 255 characters. Decrease the character length to 255 characters or less
Account error
User(username@companyname.com) is not associated with any accounts - cannot use through the DPI The user specified is not a member on an account. Add the user to an account with active job product.
Character limit error
Value (# characters) is too long for ExternalKey The UserJobID value is too long Decrease the character length to 32 characters or less
Field value error
Minimum Experience is greater than Max Experience The value in MinExperience cannot be greater than the value in Max Experience Adjust the MinExperience or MaxExperience values
Field value error
XX is not a valid country. The value provided is not in our list of countries Please refer to our country code list: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListCountry.aspx
Field value error
NOTSPECIFIED is not in the list of values for Industries. The value specified is not a valid email address Provide a valid PrimaryIndustry value. A complete list can be found here: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListIndustries.aspx
Field value error
The data supplied for the BasePayH field [value] is not a number. The value supplied for BasePayH must be a number Change the value to a number
Field value error
The data supplied for the BasePayL field [value] is not a number. The value supplied for BasePayL must be a number Change the value to a number
Character limit error
Value (# characters) is too long for Zip Code. The Zip Code value is too long Provide a valid Zip Code value.
Required field error
Job Categories is required. There was no JobTypeCode provided. Specify at least one JobTypeCode. A complete list can be found here: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListJobTypeCodes.aspx
Product error
Account (ABCDEFG123456) does not have any available products(JCPRI0,JCSTD0) This account does not have any available job posting credits. Contact your Account Manager to purchase more product.
Miscellaneous error
An unknown error occurred while processing the "TG" Job This error could be produced due to a number of problems on Careerbuilder"s end, such as our servers being down down or during times of site maintenance. Please try to repost at a later time. If the problem persists, please contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com.
Miscellaneous error
An unknown error occurred while processing the "HRXML" Job This error could be produced due to a number of problems on Careerbuilder"s end, such as our servers being down down or during times of site maintenance. Please try to repost at a later time. If the problem persists, please contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com.
Miscellaneous error
An unknown error occurred while processing the "HRXML" Batch This error could be produced due to a number of problems on Careerbuilder"s end, such as our servers being down down or during times of site maintenance. Please try to repost at a later time. If the problem persists, please contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com.
Miscellaneous error
A Framework-level error occurred while processing the "TG" Job This error could be produced due to a number of problems on Careerbuilder"s end, such as our servers being down down or during times of site maintenance. Please try to repost at a later time. If the problem persists, please contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com.
Account error
Owning User(username@companyname.com) has invalid billing type - [Crosspost]! This is an account error. Contact your Account Manager for further information.
Account error
User(username@companyname.com) is associated with multiple active corporate accounts - cannot use through the DPI Users posting through the DPI must only be associated with one active account. Remove the specified user from all but one active account. You may contact your Account Manager for additional assistance.
Field value error
CB does not recognize "CBReplyTo" as a valid data field. Please note that field names are case-sensitive. When posting through the web-service, the CBReplyTo field is not accepted. Remove the CBReplyTo field from your file

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