DPI Job Errors

Group Sample Description icon Resolution
Field value error
The data supplied for the ExpirationDate field (value) is not a date The ExpirationDate value is not recognized as a date Modify the ExpirationDate value to be in the MM/DD/YYYY format
Field value error
Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY) cannot be in the past. The ExpirationDate value supplied is in the past Change the ExpirationDate value to a future date.
Field value error
Job Title contains a bad word. The job title contains a word recognized as profanity. Please edit to remove the word.
Required field error
Job Title is required. The job title field was not specified. Include a JobTitle field and value.
Character limit error
Value (# characters) is too long for Job Title The JobTitle value is too long Decrease the character length to 64 characters or less
Field value error
Job Tracking URL must begin with http:// or https:// The JobTrackingURL value does not look like a valid website Modify the JobTrackingURL value
Field value error
JNVALUE is not in the list of values for Job Categories The JobTypeCode value is not a valid value. Specify a valid JobTypeCode value. A complete list can be found here: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListJobTypeCodes.aspx
Product error
The location [ES-Spain] is not valid with the product code [JCPRI0UK] on this non-Expired job. The location specified cannot be posted using the product code specified. Please contact your Account Manager for further details
Character limit error
The OtherPay field has a maximum length of 64 characters. The OtherPay field has a maximum length of 64 characters. Decrease the character length to 64 characters or less
Field value error
Postal Code: 1234 is not valid. The PostalCode value provided is not valid. Provide a valid PostalCode value.
Field value error
(username@companyname.com) is not a valid email address The PosterEmail address specified does not exist on Careerbuilder Provide a valid email address.
Required field error
PosterEmail is required The PosterEmail field is a required field Add the PosterEmail field
Field value error
Incorrect password supplied for user (username@companyname.com) The PosterPassword value defined does not match our records Please supply the correct password for the user specified.
Field value error
Job Requirements contains a bad word. The Requirements field contains a word recognized as profanity. Please edit to remove the word.
Character limit error
The Requirements field has a maximum length of 10,000 characters. The Requirements field has a maximum length of 10,000 characters. Decrease the character length to 10,000 characters or less
Field value error
Could not determine company associated with the provided HHName(value) The specified Brand Builder does not exist on Careerbuilder.com Provide a valid Brand Builder value
Account error
Job(1234) was found but was unavailable due to status(stCLIENTHOLD) The specified job is on the account, but has been manually placed in the Archived folder. Archived jobs cannot be processed by the DPI. Log in and manually remove the job from the Archived folder.
Job ownership error
Database update failed because of a duplicate key restriction, Job(1234) already owned by User(username1@companyname.com). Cannot be updated by User(username2@companyname.com) The specified JobID was previously posted by another user on the account. Only the original posting user can update the job posting. Careerbuilder can move the job to the new user, if necessary. Please contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com. The client can also go back into the ATS and update the job using the original poster email address.
Field value error
US-Georgia-Philadelphia is not valid. The specified location is either incorrect or does not exist in our database. Provide a valid location. If you feel that your location is valid, please contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com for further assistance.
Account error
User (username@companyname.com) is not active and cannot be used by the DPI to process jobs. The specified user been deactivated Contact your Account Manager

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