DPI Job Errors

Group icon Sample Description Resolution
Field value error
Job Title contains a bad word. The job title contains a word recognized as profanity. Please edit to remove the word.
Field value error
Job Requirements contains a bad word. The Requirements field contains a word recognized as profanity. Please edit to remove the word.
Field value error
Job Description is required. No job description was provided. Provide a detailed job description for the job posting.
Field value error
Job Description contains a bad word. The Description field contains a word recognized as profanity. Please edit to remove the word.
Field value error
JNVALUE is not in the list of values for Job Categories The JobTypeCode value is not a valid value. Specify a valid JobTypeCode value. A complete list can be found here: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListJobTypeCodes.aspx
Field value error
Incorrect password supplied for user (username@companyname.com) The PosterPassword value defined does not match our records Please supply the correct password for the user specified.
Field value error
Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY) cannot be in the past. The ExpirationDate value supplied is in the past Change the ExpirationDate value to a future date.
Field value error
Error loading the user with email address = [username@companyname.com] - No known user The specified user does not exist on Careerbuilder.com. Supply an existing user email address
Field value error
Could not determine company associated with the provided HHName(value) The specified Brand Builder does not exist on Careerbuilder.com Provide a valid Brand Builder value
Field value error
CB does not recognize "value" as a valid data field. Please note that field names are case-sensitive. The data field supplied is not an accepted format Adjust the data field to an accepted format
Field value error
CB does not recognize "CBReplyTo" as a valid data field. Please note that field names are case-sensitive. When posting through the web-service, the CBReplyTo field is not accepted. Remove the CBReplyTo field from your file
Field value error
A maximum of 5 PrimaryIndustry codes are allowed. You supplied ##. Careerbuilder only allows up to 5 PrimaryIndustry values Remove any additional PrimaryIndustry values
Field value error
A maximum of 5 JobTypeCode codes are allowed. You supplied ##. Careerbuilder only allows up to 5 JobTypeCode values Remove any additional JobTypeCode values
Field value error
(username@companyname.com) is not a valid email address The PosterEmail address specified does not exist on Careerbuilder Provide a valid email address.
Field value error
Job Tracking URL must begin with http:// or https:// The JobTrackingURL value does not look like a valid website Modify the JobTrackingURL value
Field value error
NOTSPECIFIED is not in the list of values for Industries. The value specified is not a valid email address Provide a valid PrimaryIndustry value. A complete list can be found here: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListIndustries.aspx
Field value error
Online Application URL is invalid. Make sure no home page is referred in the URL. Apply URLs must not reference a website homepage. For instance, this means that the URL cannot in end in ".com". Provide the URL that will directly take the jobseeker to the specific job"s application page.
Field value error
Postal Code: 1234 is not valid. The PostalCode value provided is not valid. Provide a valid PostalCode value.
Field value error
The Action field must either be "ADD", "CHANGE" or "DELETE" The Action field has an invalid value Change the Action field value to a valid value. ADD, CHANGE, or DELETE are the accepted values.
Field value error
The CBCurrencyCode field must be 3 characters in length. The CBCurrencyCode field must be 3 characters in length. Modify the string length to equal 3 characters

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