DPI Job Errors
Field value error
Error loading the user with email address = [username@companyname.com] - No known user
The specified user does not exist on Careerbuilder.com.
Supply an existing user email address
Required field error
Job Categories is required.
There was no JobTypeCode provided.
Specify at least one JobTypeCode. A complete list can be found here: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListJobTypeCodes.aspx
Field value error
JNVALUE is not in the list of values for Job Categories
The JobTypeCode value is not a valid value.
Specify a valid JobTypeCode value. A complete list can be found here: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListJobTypeCodes.aspx
Field value error
XXX is not in the list of values for JobSpokenLanguages
The CBJobSpokenLanguages field must contain a valid value
Specify a valid JobSpokenLanguage value.
Account error
User(username@companyname.com) is associated with multiple active corporate accounts - cannot use through the DPI
Users posting through the DPI must only be associated with one active account.
Remove the specified user from all but one active account. You may contact your Account Manager for additional assistance.
Field value error
CB does not recognize "CBReplyTo" as a valid data field. Please note that field names are case-sensitive.
When posting through the web-service, the CBReplyTo field is not accepted.
Remove the CBReplyTo field from your file
Field value error
The data supplied for the Commission field (value) is not a number.
The Commission value must only contain numerical characters
Remove any non-numerical characters
Field value error
The data supplied for the Bonus field (10%) is not a number.
The Bonus field value must contain only numbers
Remove any non-numerical characters
Field value error
A maximum of 5 PrimaryIndustry codes are allowed. You supplied ##.
Careerbuilder only allows up to 5 PrimaryIndustry values
Remove any additional PrimaryIndustry values
Field value error
A maximum of 5 JobTypeCode codes are allowed. You supplied ##.
Careerbuilder only allows up to 5 JobTypeCode values
Remove any additional JobTypeCode values
Required field error
Password supplied was blank!
A password is required
Provide the valid password.
Field value error
Online Application URL is invalid. Make sure no home page is referred in the URL.
Apply URLs must not reference a website homepage. For instance, this means that the URL cannot in end in ".com".
Provide the URL that will directly take the jobseeker to the specific job"s application page.
Required field error
Please enter City with State/Province/Country or Postal Code.
Location information is required
Provide either a City, State, and Country value or a Postal Code
Required field error
You must provide a way to be contacted (contact email, phone, fax, or apply URL).
At least one contact option must be made available.
Provide a value for ContactEmail, ContactPhone, ContactFax, or ApplyURL
Required field error
You must enable one of the following contact options: Email, Phone, Fax, or Apply Online
At least one contact option must be made available.
Provide a value for ContactEmail, ContactPhone, ContactFax, or ApplyURL
Character limit error
Value (# characters) is too long for Zip Code.
The Zip Code value is too long
Provide a valid Zip Code value.
Field value error
NOTSPECIFIED is not in the list of values for Industries.
The value specified is not a valid email address
Provide a valid PrimaryIndustry value. A complete list can be found here: http://dpi.careerbuilder.com/DPIWeb/Site/Geography/ListIndustries.aspx
Field value error
Postal Code: 1234 is not valid.
The PostalCode value provided is not valid.
Provide a valid PostalCode value.
Field value error
US-Georgia-Philadelphia is not valid.
The specified location is either incorrect or does not exist in our database.
Provide a valid location. If you feel that your location is valid, please contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com for further assistance.
Field value error
(username@companyname.com) is not a valid email address
The PosterEmail address specified does not exist on Careerbuilder
Provide a valid email address.
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