DPI Job Errors

Group Sample Description Resolution icon
Character limit error
The Description field has a maximum length of 15,000 characters. The Description field has a character limit of 64 characters Decrease the character length to 15,000 characters or less
Character limit error
The CBCustomApplyTag field has a maximum length of 128 characters. The CBCustomApplyTag field has a maximum length of 128 characters. Decrease the character length to 128 characters or less
Character limit error
Value (# characters) is too long for Contact Email The Contact Email value is too long Decrease the character length to 128 characters or less
Character limit error
The Requirements field has a maximum length of 10,000 characters. The Requirements field has a maximum length of 10,000 characters. Decrease the character length to 10,000 characters or less
Product error
Account (ABCDEFG123456) does not have any available products(JCPRI0,JCSTD0) This account does not have any available job posting credits. Contact your Account Manager to purchase more product.
Account error
Posting User(username@companyname.com) Account has invalid status - [stCLIENTHOLD] An account on which the specified user is a member has been deactivated. Contact your Account Manager for further information.
Account error
Owning User(username@companyname.com) has invalid billing type - [Crosspost]! This is an account error. Contact your Account Manager for further information.
Account error
User (username@companyname.com) is not active and cannot be used by the DPI to process jobs. The specified user been deactivated Contact your Account Manager
Product error
Account does not have a Corporate Agreement nor correct product to post jobs through the DPI - User[username@companyname.com] The account is not currently set up to interface through the DPI. Contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com to have the account set up correctly.
Field value error
The data supplied for the BasePayL field [value] is not a number. The value supplied for BasePayL must be a number Change the value to a number
Field value error
The data supplied for the BasePayH field [value] is not a number. The value supplied for BasePayH must be a number Change the value to a number
Product error
Product (JCPRI0EX ) is not valid for this country(CA) Job product for the Country specified has not been purchased on this account Change the location of the job posting or contact your Account Manager
Field value error
Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY) cannot be in the past. The ExpirationDate value supplied is in the past Change the ExpirationDate value to a future date.
Field value error
The Action field must either be "ADD", "CHANGE" or "DELETE" The Action field has an invalid value Change the Action field value to a valid value. ADD, CHANGE, or DELETE are the accepted values.
Job ownership error
Database update failed because of a duplicate key restriction, Job(1234) already owned by User(username1@companyname.com). Cannot be updated by User(username2@companyname.com) The specified JobID was previously posted by another user on the account. Only the original posting user can update the job posting. Careerbuilder can move the job to the new user, if necessary. Please contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com. The client can also go back into the ATS and update the job using the original poster email address.
Field value error
Minimum Experience is greater than Max Experience The value in MinExperience cannot be greater than the value in Max Experience Adjust the MinExperience or MaxExperience values
Field value error
CB does not recognize "value" as a valid data field. Please note that field names are case-sensitive. The data field supplied is not an accepted format Adjust the data field to an accepted format
Field value error
The ContactEmail field does not contain a valid email address (email value) The ContactEmail field must be formatted like an email address. Adjust the ContactEmail value
Account error
User(username@companyname.com) is not associated with any accounts - cannot use through the DPI The user specified is not a member on an account. Add the user to an account with active job product.
Required field error
PosterEmail is required The PosterEmail field is a required field Add the PosterEmail field

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