DPI Job Errors

Group Sample Description icon Resolution
Field value error
The data supplied for the Bonus field (10%) is not a number. The Bonus field value must contain only numbers Remove any non-numerical characters
Character limit error
Value (# characters) is too long for ApplyURL. The ApplyURL value is too long Decrease the character length to 512 characters or less.
Field value error
The data supplied for the ActivationDate field (value) is not a date The ActivationDate value is not recognized as a date Modify the ActivationDate value to be in the MM/DD/YYYY format
Required field error
RequestedAction is required The Action field is required Please provide an Action value
Field value error
The Action field must either be "ADD", "CHANGE" or "DELETE" The Action field has an invalid value Change the Action field value to a valid value. ADD, CHANGE, or DELETE are the accepted values.
Required field error
CustAcctCode" must contain an Insertion Order for an Agency Account! The account specified is an Agency account. These specific types of accounts require a Customer Account Code Provide a CustAccCode value
Product error
Account does not have a Corporate Agreement nor correct product to post jobs through the DPI - User[username@companyname.com] The account is not currently set up to interface through the DPI. Contact DPISupport@careerbuilder.com to have the account set up correctly.
Field value error
Job Description is required. No job description was provided. Provide a detailed job description for the job posting.
Required field error
Please enter City with State/Province/Country or Postal Code. Location information is required Provide either a City, State, and Country value or a Postal Code
Product error
Product (JCPRI0EX ) is not valid for this country(CA) Job product for the Country specified has not been purchased on this account Change the location of the job posting or contact your Account Manager
Required field error
Job Description is required Description is a required field. Please provide a job description for this posting
Field value error
A maximum of 5 PrimaryIndustry codes are allowed. You supplied ##. Careerbuilder only allows up to 5 PrimaryIndustry values Remove any additional PrimaryIndustry values
Field value error
A maximum of 5 JobTypeCode codes are allowed. You supplied ##. Careerbuilder only allows up to 5 JobTypeCode values Remove any additional JobTypeCode values
Required field error
You must provide a way to be contacted (contact email, phone, fax, or apply URL). At least one contact option must be made available. Provide a value for ContactEmail, ContactPhone, ContactFax, or ApplyURL
Required field error
You must enable one of the following contact options: Email, Phone, Fax, or Apply Online At least one contact option must be made available. Provide a value for ContactEmail, ContactPhone, ContactFax, or ApplyURL
Field value error
Online Application URL is invalid. Make sure no home page is referred in the URL. Apply URLs must not reference a website homepage. For instance, this means that the URL cannot in end in ".com". Provide the URL that will directly take the jobseeker to the specific job"s application page.
Field Value Error
Pay Type cannot take multiple values. An incorrect currency code has been given Provide a valid currency code
Account error
Posting User(username@companyname.com) Account has invalid status - [stCLIENTHOLD] An account on which the specified user is a member has been deactivated. Contact your Account Manager for further information.
Required field error
Password supplied was blank! A password is required Provide the valid password.
Required field error
City is required. Location US-- not found. A city value is requried. Provide a City value.

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